Middle School Youth


Sunday - 10AM Sunday School, 11AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 6:30PM the current

Middle School Youth Ministry at First United Methodist Church

Club 3:16

Club 3:16 is a group of Middle School youth, 5th through 8th grade, that are devoted to exploring the Bible, deepening their focus and faith in God, and sharing the love of Christ through outreach in the church and in the community of Springtown.  We meet on Wednesday nights at 6 pm in the Family Life Center.

Our Mission Statement is "We are in this together, serving God, our Church and our Community."

Club 3:16 is led by Pamela Mendenhall. Pam has been a member of FUMC since August 2005. She has been and is actively involved in our children's/youth programs since she joined the church.  She was Children's Director for many years.  Along with Club 3:16, she serves as VBS Director, treasurer for FUMC, and is a member of the Bell Choir.  

Check out our events page to see any upcoming events for the Club 3:16 of First United Methodist Church.